Oil Of Joy: S, E, FP or CO Taco Salad!


Thursday, June 4, 2015

S, E, FP or CO Taco Salad!

This taco salad mixture is just so delicious. This makes a wonderful topping for taco salad, would fill burritos (low carb tortillas of course!) or taco shells (remember only 2 regular corn or 4 sprouted allowed in an E setting), this would also make a great nacho topping on top of mini bell peppers sliced open...really this is just delicious in so many ways!

This recipe can be a bit tricky in figuring out what fuel category it falls under, so here are some guidelines:

FP - use leanest meat, don't add the beans keep toppings to FP vegetable choices and use salsa as your dressing

S - LIVE IT UP! Enjoy any cut of ground beef, turkey or chicken, enjoy the S toppings on your salad. Watch the number of beans you add, if you make this into 6 servings, the number works but you are at your limit. If you want to use 1/2 a can of beans, all the better.

E - again, use the leanest meat, salsa dressing, enjoy a little fat, a sprinkle of low fat cheese, a few olives. You can a be a lot more liberal with the beans, double the amount or even bake up a couple of corn tortillas until crisp for chips!

CO - Crossover! This is an easy one to make into a crossover, use the full serving of beans, fattier meat, avocado maybe a small handful of baked blue corn chips crumbled on top.

Adapted from Saving Dinner monthly meals recipes

Taco Salad - serves 6

1 pound ground meat
2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (or to taste)
1 1/2 teaspoons cumin
1 15 oz can black beans drained and rinsed well

Salad greens to feed the family.

Toppings of choice:
S: shredded cheese, olives, avocado, sour cream

E: extra beans, salsa, cilantro, tomatoes, mini bell peppers, brown rice (made into Spanish rice would be good!), carrots

FP: cilantro, mini bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, zucchini

Be creative! There are lots of great things to top your salad with!

To cook:
Brown meat in a large skillet, add beans, Worcestershire sauce and mix in the spices. This recipe is good warm or cold! Great to make it in the morning during the summer, pull it out for a quick dinner in the evening!

We like thousand island dressing on ours, so I whip up a simple recipe with on plan ketchup, mayonnaise, onion, pickle, vinegar and sweetener. Delicious!

With Joy ~ Tina

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