Oil Of Joy: My Weekly Meal Plan!


Sunday, February 7, 2016

My Weekly Meal Plan!

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I have not been nearly as consistent in sharing my weekly meal plans as I would like to be. Even when I do not share it, I ALWAYS right one up! I may not follow it perfectly, but even with that, it is a huge stress reliever for me. When I am tired or feeling uninspired, I can just look at my list! I always grocery shop from that list as well so I always have everything on hand!

Chicken breakfast sausage and Just like Grandmas Rolls (twice)
Creamy Key Lime Shake page 408 (once)
Healthy Cherry Milkshake (once, I will sub in sprouted tofu for the yogurt in this and use Super Sweet blend, I may throw in a handful of oats as well since this will be an E shake, I think my daughter will like this!)
Pancake with strawberries (once)

Sandwiches on Just Like Grandmas Rolls with Earth Milk (three times)
Super Salmon Patties page 176 with broccoli and death free cheese
Fat Stripping Frappa - because we should all enjoy a chocolate shake for lunch :)  (once)
Leftovers (twice)

Taco Salad (one of my favorites!!)
Cilantro Lime Burst Thighs with cauliflower page 54
Sloppy Joes on Sweet potatoes with salad
Cowboy Grub and salad page 59
Golden Chana Dahl Soup page page 99
Spaghetti over spaghetti squash with ground beef
Pasta Fagioli (a family recipe that I tweak to be on plan, this will be for erev shabbat, our Friday night dinner with dessert)

Desserts! My favorite!!

Bust a myth cake (twice)
Cookie Bowl Oatmeal with strawberrie on top (I make a double batch, so twice!)
Meadows Lemon Coconut Truffles page 336 (I will use goat cheese to replace the cream cheese, Once)
Berry Crunch Bars page 392 (this will be our erev shabbat dessert!)

If I am able to, I want to try to play with that Payoff day candy too.....

Have a great week!
With Joy ~ Tina

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